About the SCHHA
The Sovereign Council of Hawaiian Homestead Associations (SCHHA) was founded in 1987 and is the oldest and largest self-governing federation of homestead associations. SCHHA is entirely dedicated to the sovereignty and self-determination of native Hawaiians eligible under the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920. This Act, also known as HHCA, created 203,000 acres of trust lands to be distributed for homes, ranches, farms, and businesses of native Hawaiians of 50% blood quantum or more.
Gaining Perspective on Hawaiian Trust Lands
Homestead Associations are comparable to tribes on the continent.
The Hawaiian Homes Commission Act of 1920 is similar to the Indian Allotment Acts of the same policy era.
The SCHHA is like organizations such as the National Congress of American Indians serving self-governing tribal nations on the continent, and the Alaska Federation of Natives serving Alaska Native villages.
Focus Areas
The SCHHA is the premier organization advocating on state and federal levels to advance the mission of its members.
The SCHHA delivers informative briefing sessions to educate homestead leaders on the HHCA and other federal laws that protect the rights of native Hawaiians.
Leadership Development
The SCHHA designs and delivers capacity building and peer-to-peer training to strengthen self-governance and self-determination of its members.
Annual Summit
The SCHHA hosts an annual convening to share resources, network, and identify significant policy issues impacting homestead communities.
Nonprofit Arm
In 2010, the SCHHA incorporated an autonomous nonprofit organization, Homestead Community Development Corporation, to address economic development and affordable housing on our trust lands.
Membership to the SCHHA is open to all homestead associations, HHCA beneficiary individuals, leaders, and families that reside or are awaiting an allotment to reside, farm, ranch, or conduct business on HHCA trust lands.
Policy Priorities
Voter Registration (2015): Engage in year-round voter registration of homestead families and households.
PAC Fundraising & Endorsements (2016): Endorse in 2018 Governor’s Race.
Assess Governor Candidate Positions on Issues (2016): Coordinate leadership convenings with candidates.
Create Economic Opportunities (2015, 2016): Advocate annual funding to support homestead associations to build and operate projects and programs on Hawaiian Home Lands, as well as cooperative agreements with DHHL.
204/207 Lands: Mercantile & Nonprofit License Awards (2015) – Implement an HHCA Beneficiary Mercantile lands program by following HHCA Section 207 and the Hawaii Administrative Rules.
Subcontracting with SBA Native 8(a) Firms (2016): Establish business support training and/or subcontracting services by SBA Native 8(a) Firms to Homestead Associations, and/or pursue amendments to the SBA Native 8(a) program to require a greater impact on Hawaiian Home Lands and inclusion of Homestead Associations.
Broadband (2017): Acquire SIC to protect HHCA beneficiary interests.
Agricultural & Pastoral Homesteading (2009): Establish an Agricultural and Pastoral Homesteading program with technical resources, loan funds and dedicated grants from public and private resources.
Farm & Ranch Homestead Awards (2015): Mandate annual homestead awards by the HHC/DHHL to farm and ranch waitlist beneficiaries via federal rule-making on Section 207.
100 Farm & Ranch UIP (2016): Award undivided interest farm and ranch awards to the top 100 beneficiaries on the waitlist on each island.
Ag Parks (2017): Advocate and assist homestead associations to operate agricultural parks.
NAHASDA (2017): Remove State as grantee of funds, replaced by Homestead Housing Authority, on par with other Native peoples, to build affordable housing and leverage with private funding.
Affordable Housing Inventory (2013, 2014, 2016, 2017): Support the development of rental and special needs housing by homestead association CDCs, construct and finance tiny homes to help add inventory on existing homestead lots.
Equity Loans (2014): Achieve regulatory changes to allow 2nd position mortgage loan products on homestead properties.
Mortgage Financing: FHA 247 Amendments (2006) & HUD 184a Amendments (2011): Engage a new HUD MOU on FHA 247 to reverse 75% LTV ratio limitation on beneficiary borrowers. Remove need to qualify with existing debt. Amend HUD 184a home loan program to allow loan transactions off trust lands (parity with other Natives), and increase USDA 502 mortgage dollars on trust lands.
NHHIA (2016): Reauthorize federal Native Hawaiian Healthcare Improvement Act.
Health & Education Policy (2016): Open dialogue with Queen Emma to be educated on health benefits of beneficiaries, and seek Homestead Benefit Agreements with all schools located on Hawaiian Home Lands.
Medical Professional Housing: Produce affordable housing rentals for medical personnel longevity in homesteads.
Food Banks & Farmers Markets: Operate foodbanks and farmer markets to improve access to healthy foods in homesteads.
Clinics & Drug Treatment: Open facilities to address health and drug abuse in homesteads.
Water/Sewer Treatment Plants: Plan and develop water/sewer treatment plants in homesteads.
Capacity Building: Implement capacity building in health education, policy and direct service providers.
HHCA Amendments by Congress (2013, 2016): Amend the HHCA to a) lower successor blood quantum and expand eligibility to genealogy of any relation including transfers to any successor; b) address conflicts of interest of DHHL Director vs HHC Chair; c) strengthen accountability and consultation on trust fund accounts; d) oppose Act 173 amendment to give General Public non-bid land rights.
DHHL Funding & Budget Processes (2015, 2016): a) Consistently advocate for general funding of $22.7M for operations, and $20M in GO bonds for capital improvements and land acquisition in state budget process. b) Establish a prohibition of spending Trust Funds for A&O costs; c) Require quarterly reports on actual to budget reports; d) Mandate interest income to be reinvested in revolving loan fund.
Represent Beneficiary Interests (2015, 2016): a) Meet monthly with island commissioners before every HHC meeting; b) Obtain simple pledge by Commissioners based on HAR rules to exclusively represent interest of beneficiaries; c) Require agenda attachments to be produced and published 7 days prior to meeting; and d) Allow waitlist and lessee contact data to be made available to homestead associations.
Sovereignty: Federal Recognition (2001) Ratification Funds (2016): Support the implementation of federal recognition by extending the federal policy of self-governance and self-determination to all Native Hawaiians. Support fundraising efforts to the AlohaLahui project at the Tides Foundation to hold a ratification vote in 2017.
Ceded Lands Settlement Resolution (2012): Implement an MOU with OHA on committed programming to fulfill its promise under the 2012 joint resolution on the 2012 Ceded Lands Settlement.
DoI & DoJ Oversight of HHCA (2011, 2012, 2015, 2016): a) Establish federal regulations over DHHL (HHCA, HHLRA, Hawaii Admissions Act), including on Section 204 to prohibit the issuance of lands to the General Public as long as beneficiaries are on the waitlist, regulate expiring leases, Section 207 to issue mercantile lands to HHCA beneficiaries and on blood quantum certifications and transfers to other beneficiaries and successors; b) Establish a cooperative agreement for direct relationship with DoI to share experiences and best practices of DoI-Insular Affairs, DoI–Bureau of Indian Affairs and DoI-Office of Native Hawaiian Relations, and to fulfill HHCA Section 226 to support the successful implementation of the HHCA; c) Explore parity on taxation on trust lands; d) File homestead association notifications to DoI of homestead association status; and d) Request completion of federal HHCA lands inventory from HHLRA.
Breaches & Violations of Beneficiary Rights (2015, 2016): Establish a SCHHA Ombudsman Project to build capacity to dialogue with the DOJ and DOI to address breaches of trust or violations of beneficiary rights by the State of Hawaii, as per the Hawaii Admissions Act and seek public/private support to advance legal protections.
Our Leadership
The SCHHA is a coalition of self-governing Hawaiian Homestead Associations. The SCHHA Chairman and Vice Chairman are elected to four-year terms wherein a leadership team is appointed from SCHHA members to implement the organizations mission and goals.
Robin Puanani Danner, Kauai, SCHHA Chairman
Kammy Purdy, Molokai, SCHHA Vice Chairman
Kamaki Kanahele, Oahu, SCHHA Chair Emeritus
Pastor Bonnie Spencer, Oahu, SCHHA Kahu
Mike Kahikina, Oahu, SCHHA State Legislative Liaison
Rolina Faagai, Oahu, SCHHA Chairman’s Special Assistant
Randy Akau, Oahu, SCHHA Oahu Liaison
Mike Hodson, Hawaii, SCHHA Hawaii Island Liaison
Kekoa Enomoto, Maui, SCHHA Maui Liaison
Kipukai Kualii, Kauai, SCHHA Economic Development Policy
Irene Plunkett – Mina, Maui, SCHHA Farm & Ranch Homesteading Policy
Iwalani McBrayer, Oahu, SCHHA Residential Homesteading Policy
Alohi Bikle, Oahu, SCHHA Health Policy
Kilia Avelino, Molokai, SCHHA Education Policy
Kanani Kapuniai, Hawaii, SCHHA Compliance of DHHL Policy
Sherri Cummings, Kauai, SCHHA Beneficiary Rights Policy
Harold Johnston, Oahu, SCHHA Telecommunication Policy
Jodi Akau, Oahu, SCHHA Neighborhood Security Watch Policy
Liberta Albao, Kauai, SCHHA Waitlist Policy Retired Judge
Fernandez, Kauai, SCHHA Native Hawaiian Political Action Coalition
Richard Soo, Oahu, SCHHA Recreational Gaming Policy
Annelle Amaral, Oahu, SCHHA Civic Club Liaison