Homestead Community Development Corporation is governed by a five-member statewide Board of Commissioners and guided by a five-member elder or kupuna council.

Board of Commissioners

Iwalani McBrayer (Native Hawaiian), Chairman & Commissioner
Ms. McBrayer is a life long small business owner in the retail space and construction trades, and is a homestead leader on the island of Oahu.

Mike Hodson (Native Hawaiian), Vice Chairman & Commissioner
Mr. Hodson is a retired police officer and successful commercial tomato farmer, construction firm business owner, and homestead leader on Hawaii Island.

Liberta Albao (Native Hawaiian), Secretary/Treasurer & Commissioner
Ms. Albao is a retired accountant, with more than 30 years in finance, accounting, and fiscal procedures, and is a homestead leader on the island of Kauai.

Kekoa Enomoto (Native Hawaiian), Commissioner
Ms. Enomoto is a retired newspaper editor and is currently a farmer, cultural practitioner, and homestead leader on the island of Maui.

Kamaka Avelino (Native Hawaiian), Commissioner
Ms. Avelino is a student at the University of Hawaii, Hilo, majoring in Hawaiian language, and was born and raised on homesteads on the island of Molokai.

Kupuna Council

Ron Kaua (Native Hawaiian), Pastor, Oahu

Scott Mahoney (Native Hawaiian), Farmer, Hawaii Island

Luella Lemn (Native Hawaiian), Farmer, Kauai

Rod Paahana (Native Hawaiian), Retired Business Owner, Maui

Kammy Purdy (Native Hawaiian), Farmer, Molokai